Monday, May 30, 2011

Interesting times

We've had this dream, my wife and I. Our dream is to be together as much as possible. And we've been trying to figure out how to make that dream happen.
We know we can produce events with the best of'em. We know we can work together like few other couples can. We know we can work harder, together, than most people. And we know we have business savvy to boot.
So we came up with this idea,
"Say, girlie, what if we start a business together? You know, like events and photography kind of thing..." "Wow, that would be on hell of a risk, wouldn't it?" "Well ya, but realistically, if we don't do it we'll look back and say, 'why didn't we start a business together...'" "Maybe you're right, lets think about it some more and talk later..."
A while (and a lot of life) later, and we re-approached the idea,
"Say girlie, what about that idea we had about starting a business together?" "Yep, been thinkin' about that..." "You know, if I don't do it now, we'll probably never do it. And I either need to do it or stop talking about..." "okay, lets do it!"
(Conversation summery, no conversation actually happened that way)
My internal dialogue lately says, as Yoda best put it, "do or do not do, there is no try..."
So, without further ado, DND Productions!
We've been waiting to do this since we got stick around. Things just got a whole lot more interesting!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Watchin' movies...

We're watching 'everything is illuminated' on our sweet little set-up tonight. Got it last night. LED with a blueray player (to come).
Never set one up for myself, before this...
It's kind of a dream.
See, we didn't have a TV in our old place, and when we moved into this one, and with everything that went on soon thereafter, we got one kind-of out of necessity (you can check back in the posts to see what I mean), but it wasn't the one we 'wanted'. And we promised ourselves that if we ever had 'any' money we'd get one.
Well, it's here...
Still got some settling to do for it...drill the wires, put art up, etc. but you get the idea.
Just marking the occasion.
...Ya'll should come, have a glass of wine and watch a movie with us sometime.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Cuttin' the grass

I bought a lawn mower a couple weeks ago, cause this is what my yard looked like...

You can see it WAY in the back. Nice mower, but it's one of those manuel push kind...good for emissions. Bad for me!

I almost quit.
Almost gave up.
Got the the end of this first strip and had blisters on my hands already.
Had the rest of the yard to do.

Then I thought,
'How can I expect to be an example for my church if I don't manage my own affairs well?'
'How do I expect to respect myself as a man if I can't power through this yard?'
'How do I expect to be a good example to my wife if I can't do this?'

See, I expect a lot of myself. I expect a lot of my work ethic. Expect a lot of the outcomes of my work. Expect as close to perfection as I can muster.

Means I let myself down A LOT.

This time I didn't.

Before I knew it I had my head down, WORKIN'.

And before I knew it, the yard was DONE.

And wouldn't you know it, two weeks later, and the yard looks like this!

Just cause hard times come around doesn't mean you can let your expectations of yourself drop.

Expect results of yourselves, friends. Even if it means blisters on your hands and a little sweat on your brow. The results will pay more than your suffering.

Much love,