Friday, February 26, 2010

feelin' re-calibrated.

Yep, that's what it's been like.

The last bit...feelin' like this guy...
...on the side of the road...
...with a busted car...

...tryin' to run the thing on my own power

Then, along came this sermon. (A MUST listen)

...Realized that I'm naturally not a business man (as is the tendency in North American churches). I'm more of a Holy Man (as it tends to be in the Eastern Churches)

Like it or hate it...

In my books, 'holy man' means: dropping the hard shell, actively pursuing vulnerability, admitting my weaknesses to myself and those around me, focusing myself on what is above first, letting my focus on what is above inform my focus on what is ahead.

Living a life devoted to worship...

...I haven't been doing that.

...I'm sorry.

I'm going to surrender to the spirit that's been pursuing me since we started this thing.'s a Better Way.


PS. I did clean out under my bed...maybe that's what got this started...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cleaning out our Closets...

K, it may not look like much. But that there is one ORGANIZED closet.

Yesterday, we walked into that room, opened the door, ripped everything piece by piece out of the closet, sorted and washed it meticulously and put it into it's desired order.

We did it 'cause we're launching our 'Welkids Nursery' in a couple of days. That means that we'll have three distinct areas were kids will hang out. 'Welkids Nursery', 'Welkids 5+' and 'kids' who are 8+, who hang out in our 'Kidzone' in the 'sanctuary' (Which right now happens to be a glorified band hall). So, we cleaned the storage closet out, 'cause we had to sort out what areas things were going to.

Before this, we only had a rudimentary system of organization. Now, the leaders of various areas can walk into the storage closet, pick up their Rubbermaid container and take it to their area to set up...Genius!

...guess this means we have a growin' church...

As we were doin' cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning...(etc.) I got to thinkin', have I cleaned out my closet lately...?

So, I went home and looked under the bed ('cause that's were most of our storage stuff is kept) and realized that there is a TON of stuff I don't use at I made a pact with myself. By the end of this week I'm going to lift the bed, see what's under it, clean what needs to be cleaned, get rid of what needs to be gotten rid of and organize what's there.

Then it hit me...have I cleaned out my 'closet' lately?

...picked things up, saw what's underneath, cleaned out what needs to be cleaned out, gotten rid of what needs to be gotten rid of, and organized that's there...?


What about you?

Let me know what you think...
