So I wanted to go for a run this morning (yep, I thought I was crazy too...) and walked out the door to THIS!

And I know what ya'll are going to say..."the snow wasn't as bad as they said it was going to be!.." bla, bla, bla.
Okay, I agree with you, but this is a drift in our front yard.
You're next question is, "Mike, why would you even THINK of going for a run the morning after 'the worst storm in 20 years'?"
Well? Because of this.
Yep, Project 30Belly.
(Yes, that is a chalk board. And it IS in our kitchen...)
K, so I'm turning 30 in March, and while most people don't think I have a 30Belly to loose, I'm in the market to loose some of that winter fat (Plus I think if I don't have a belly now, I'm more likely not to have one when I get to 50...Kapeesh ?)
So, here's the deal. I want these 6 things to stick ('cause they're all good to do), so I'm adopting them slowly...
1. Just say NO to Sugar (Fairly innocuous, but easier said than done)
-One step at a time. One craving at a time...Yep, just like killing any addiction
2.Work out 5 days a week
-I just downloaded
this app to help me train
3.Do crunches EVERY day
-Yep, it's the only way I know how to flatten you're stomach for the long hall
Here's the program I'm using, it's not everyday, but it'll get me there
4.Just say YES to fruit and veggies (maybe INSTEAD of sugar?)
-Yep, easy, simple
-Detox on the body and minerals + vitamins
5.Kiss your wife (husband, kids...Gramma?) every day
-Easy to do, and creates intimacy in you're relationship
6.Drink 6 1 litre water bottles a day
-thats a LOT of water, but it's a measured target to hit
-it lubricates joints, detoxifies, helps brain function, prevents aging, increases effincey in body operation and increases energy...
-most people are dehydrated
-most people think they're hungry when they're actually thirsty...
By the way, when I was on my run I was probably one of the only people in Hamilton to see this

or this
Reality is, no one's going to do it for me. I'm the only person who can do it.
AND, I just have to do it. Not give myself the choice NOT to do it.
Get up in the morning and get out the door...
I feel like a million bucks now...really
And I'll sleep better tonight.