That there is the source of my humility for the coming years...
1. This page got posted last Tuesday.
2. We had a conversation at bible study on wednesday about expectation.
I've come to a bunch of conclusions about that there page
1. Reality is, there's a lot of expectation of that role.
2. I'll never live up to it.
3. I'll keep trying
4. Only God can do the work that's set out before me.
5. The grace of God says it's okay that I'm going to fail, but the expectation NEVER gets taken away.
...Same with you, if you believe, that is.
6. I'm okay with that, but
7. It scares the CRAP out of me... ( see here and here for more reasons it scares the CRAP out of me)
Maybe that's a good thing.
No, that's a good thing. 'Cause it'll keep me humble.
Yup, simple as that.
Much love in the Holy Ghost,
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