Then there are those times when you look at the chair and say, "ya know what, I'm not going to sit today. I'ma go and make life happen" and you walk out of the house, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and get somthin' done!
We made somethin' happen this week. We added a bunch of chairs to our weekly service. We did it because we had to. We did it because people are startin' to see God in our wee-baby church. We did it because people are responding to our active surrender to God. We did it so people could have a place to sit while the word is preached, worship happens, the sacraments are administered and community flourishes. THAT is church folks. No bones about it.
Really, church is about becoming more Godly. And really, becoming more Godly is about learning about God. And how do you learn about someone? Y'hang out with'em. Listening, looking and spending time with'em. Just like you hung out with your wife or husband when you first met.
I see that as worship. Sure, going to church can be worship. Singing songs can worship. But true worship is an awareness of God's activity in the world. It's a way of thinking, a way of walking, a way of breathing, reading, petting your dog, making dinner...it's a process of learning to hear God's voice in the the mundane, seeing God in the clouds and praying with every breath. (This book got me thinking this way)
So this week when you breath, pray for our little community. Ask God to have mercy on us as we push toward the dream that he's planted in us. Pray for your family. Pray that God would grow you into people that would be worthy ministers of the gospel (Check here if your not sure what that means). Pray for our city. Pray that God would open up the door for us to reach our city. Most of all listen for God, 'cause we don't do near enough of that now-a-daze....
Then, we can add more chairs...
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