This is some people's worst nightmare. They stand at the top of an escalator and make like they're about to jump out of a plane or something...or they step, and then back up, 'cause, oh! they missed that step. Count out 1...2...3...4. GO! and FINALLY, they make it on by the skin of their teeth...
...some people just don't take 'em. Avoid 'em completely.
There are people who will deliberately go out of their way, walking LONG distances just to take the stairs, elevator or ramp...
Crazy you say?
Maybe you are one of those people. Can't stand the sight of'em. Strike terror into your heart.
(you say...WHERE's he going with this one??)
Perhaps you're the other way 'round. Walking, or running strait on an escalator. In complete abandon of the inherent 'risks' that the other group very obviously sees...
Maybe you're the type that run's up the opposite way, judging the movement of the escalator you go...
Crazy you say?
Could I safely assume you're inclined toward one of these two groups? Cautious, almost to a fault or running strait for the thing, full tilt.
If you're the believin' type you might be asked to do some crazy things, start an international relief organization for africa, write a book, become a musician, become a missionary, plant a church. It's like running toward the escalator and jumping on with all you've got.
There is no such thing as slow...when God tells you to go you GO. 'cause, he know's what's good for you. And He knows what the risks are. And He knows the benefits. And He knows the reward.
So stop edging toward the first step and then backing away 'cause you think it's gon'a eat you. The escalator's gon'a keep movin' weather you're on it or not.
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