Know who he is?
Neither'd I.
...a breif bio...
He was Irish.
He was a poet.
He was a renowned scholar.
He went blind from studying.
He was second in command only to the king.
When he was martyred (by beheading), they say the Lord restored his head to his body.
'Be thou my vision' is attributed to him.
Lived in the 6th century.
Interesting, hay?...not really.
Point is, the beginnings of 'be thou my vision' were written in the 6th century. THAT is crazy. Make me think, when we sing that song we're singing a song that's been sung for 1500 years!
The first people to sing it were monks in Ireland. Now we sing it.
Makes me think. Same thing's true about goin' to church. Under the spirit's guidance people've been going to church since day one. Whether you believe in this thing or not, our calendar shows that the world changed. That makes gathering together to mark the change important. Just like singing.
We're singin' on sunday...
...come and be a part of history.
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