Thursday, January 28, 2010

...we're ready for ya

Had band practice yesterday.

Practiced for the Lord. Practiced for you. Practiced for the musicality of it. Practiced to play together.

...and we're ready for you.

But'ya know what? We need your help.

We need you to pray.

We need you to pray that we will surrender to the Spirit's guidance. That we would be good stuarts of these gifts. That we would be proper shepherds into worship, into the throne-room of God.

That our lives would demonstrate a spirit of worship. That our vulnerability would be evident to all. That people would be drawn to vulnerability themselves. That we would be engulfed in a cloud of God as we play, minster and press after the spirits movements.

Pray for us as we craft our worship environment. That our humanity wouldn't inhibit the work of the spirit. That we could demonstrate what a life of worship looks like.

More than this, pray for yourselves. As you get ready to go to church pray that the Lord would prepare you to worship, to be vulnerable. To be broken by Him. Pray that church would change you. That you would be affected through your week. That it would be evident to those around you. Like an infection.

Pray for the churches around the city you live in. Pray that God would presence Himself there in a mighty way. That people would come to him like iron fillings to a magnet. Pray that people would find joy, hope, healing, water, light and forgiveness at church. Pray for the healing of our Church. Pray that we would repent of our misdeeds. That the Lord would correct our path.

Most of all, listen. Listen for the voice of God. Listen in the still moments and the loud ones. Listen to the sound of the car engine and the hum of your computer as you read this.

We're ready for you...

God's ready for us.

Question is, are we ready for Him?


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