Starting a new year. Starting to build on 4 months of successes (and failures) at THE WELL. Starting to feel the spirit building something there. Starting see the weight of what we've taken on. Starting to make in-roads in the community (and online) where we live...yep, starting a worship blog.
We threw around the idea a couple of months ago about starting a 'worship blog'. The idea of it being another venue (other then me standing on stage with my guitar) to learn about what worship is. So, before we get into it I need tell you some things.
1. I don't know everything about worship....Because i've been doing worship a while (since I was 12) and leading worship for a while (since 2003), I should know SOMETHING about it. And while I consider myself a worshiper first and musician second we all know that you can always learn more about something (and I'm on a real steep learning curve).
2. I'm not a master musician...I think this can be summed up a little in the previous statement 'I consider myself a worshiper first and a musician second'. While this is an area that's weak in my arsenal, I'm workin' on it...So bear with me while I try to become one.
The purpose of writing this thing is to give you insight in to my process as a worshiper and as a leader of worship...what I'm reading, what I'm writing about, experiencing, and learning about. In the process of doing this the goal is that you'll learn about how worship works in both a community and individual context.
Stay tuned...
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